Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A letter to my Grandma.

Dear Grandma,

It’s been close to ten years since you left

Didn’t know a day would come when I’ll wish you never left.

Considering that I didn’t cry when we were paying respects

Knowing I had your back & I was there for you in all aspects.

Well, this morning, I had a plate of spicy eggs before me

Then I remember ‘tis as a result of your recipe

Spicy eggs, deep fried chicken & turkey

Greens & all, just to eat healthy

Grandma, I still remember your prayers for my children and wifey

You promised to hold my kids and teach my queen  unique trad receipes

Well, it’s close to a decade since you said all those, I ain’t married ‘yet’

And ‘ma I wish you were here to hear me read this prose:

I desire to hold my son in my arms at night,

Crooning in his ears, petting him to sleep,

Right after his mum finishes nursing him

We taking turns at night to sing him to sleep

I wanna take my daughter and her lovely mum to the salon,

Just after I loose my lil’ angel’s braids &

 I retouch my diva wife’s hair

(I hope I won’t hurt her scalp cos I ain’t no hair pro’)

Granny, I wanna wake up at midnight and…

Sit for hours staring at my beautiful wife sleeping with

Our adorable baby cuddled up in her arms.

Then I look up with a face glistened with tears of gratitude…..

Thanking God whose Words are daily coming to pass in my life.

Granny, I wish you were here to join my faith with yours…..

The possibilities that abound with Venus are limitless.

All of a sudden, I’m willing to learn the fundamentals of friendship

Intuitively, I want to go to the A,B, Cs of …

Building something of eternal value…

All over again, I’m learning how to love,

How to be patient, how to be accountable , how to be obedient to instructions

Faithfully learning and practicing all these

Cos the ‘pattern’ is to build heaven on earth - Psalm128.

Granny are these odds against me?

Or are they catalysts to spur me on?

Well, I choose to hold on to His faithfulness.

After all, it’s only through faith & patience

Am I assured of obtaining the promise.

So long Grand Ma, wish you were here.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


There’s something gentle about your voice

That makes my eyes go moist.

Creates a lump in my throat and my heart swells

Initiates the knight in me, beside u to dwell

I look to God & confess it is well

Cos if it His will, I’ll hear the bells


©Jedidiah 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


What do you do about someone you meet and the encounter refreshes you, sparks up your creativity and opens before you vistas of possibilities....

What do you do?...What do I do ...

I get it off my chest by writing....


I almost gave up on the venus race
I felt there was no such combo as beauty (soul & physical) & brains
With a dash of deep love for God and a reasonable grace.
But right now I sense it, He's bringing me into a phase
Where in space, all day, face - to - face, she & I are on the same page

I feel my heart flutter with a spring in my step.
I know my eyes glitter so i write with my pen
I sense I'm going deeper in this garden - like den

I thought fairy tales didn't exist
That picture - perfect chemistry ain't real
But ...Help me Lord, I sense a deep connection
Abba, you are pulling the strings again

There's a peace I feel, there's a calmness in my soul
There's a pix I see, a reality of heaven on earth
Lost for words.....But the question on my lips is...
All my life....where have you been because ...
Tho'it aint long since we really met.

Seems like I've known you forever and finally
....you diva got me Breathless...


Friday, January 27, 2012


Some musings of mine.....in times past (forgot to put 'em up)

JUST WONDERING ....(July 25th, 2011)

You don't have a champion that has not been challenged.

It's overcoming the challenge that brings out the champion in you.

It is said that it's the hot water that brings out the content of the tea bag.

Honestly, it's smart to get up, dust yourself and move on after you've been knocked to the ground

But how much knockin's can one take?

Is it that life delibrately hits leaders harder than others.

Just wonderin'..........

How soon will the day break again?

When will the tide turn....to what its supposed to be?

Just wonderin.........

Just Wonderin....

MAY DAY!!!! (April 9th , 2011)

The reopened wounds of my childhood

The anguish of the absence of fatherhood

Casting a brood upon my moods

Makin me feel like i’m lost in the woods

Thought dat after these years i had healed

Now ‘tis like those years of need

When i longed for someone to lead & trim my weeds

Come around once again a’ hauntin my noble deeds

Behind the polished exterior of a gentleman

Lies the wishes of a lad whose Pa didn’t give the plan

I hurt & sometimes glisten my face with the tears

But since He’s there, i’ll let go of the fear.

30 Random Things about This Dude..... (June 22nd, 2010)

In the spirit of continuity, kindly put up ur own version of this write up if u've ben tagged.

1. I am so special to God, the name He gave me and the one my parents gave me are the same! (Jedidiah & Oluwafemi) NOTE: My parents were not close to God when they had me.

2. As a result of 1- above - I love God so much....a times, i just blank out everything/everyone around me to be alone with Him...

3. My nickname - APEX was given to me in 1992 by a friend and it was derived from my last name APESIN and it fully describes how far i'll get in life - (ministry, marriage, career & purpose)

4. I had a crush on my Pry. 1 teacher Mrs. Ladejobi in UNILAG staff school - (please don't trip, i am being real & don't ask how old i was) - I loved her so much i passed my exams very well cos i didn't want her to be angry

5. The comments on my Pry. 1 report card read - He's a BRIGHT, CONFIDENT, LITTLE CHATTER-BOX, so if i u wonder why i talk...sry...its bn a long time comin.

6. People say i am an alpha - male with a strong personality, what they don;t know is whenever i worship God deeply, i cry pints of tears and when it comes to people i love, i can be really, really soft & mushy..y'know. lol (THE STRONGER A MAN BECOMES, THE MORE GENTLE HE CAN AFFORD TO BE)

7. I am a voracious reader, i have a way with words and someday i hope to be doing what Frank Edoho's doing on WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE. (I guess i love the spotlight - well a part of me)

8. Once upon a time, 80% of the ladies i dated were older than me ( Haba, Pastor Femi.....well, i wasn't born again from mama's womb nevertheless...look up 2 Cor 5:17)

9. My prayer for the family God will bless me with is that we will be described as - "and they lived happily ever after"

10. If i was in the US, I would have been a US Marine or a Navy SEAL.

11. I find fulfillment in helping people discover their uniqueness & the greatness that lies within them.

12. I am very handy in the kitchen, hey Miss, lookout for numerous breakfast(s)-in -bed when we eventually hook up for good.

13. I have a tendency to spoil my wife...I guess i will, afterall she's my wifey (y'know, fragranced bubble baths, hide an expensive diamond in a her favorite pie i bake, dote on her,luv, luv & luv her)

14. Something about me scares me - THERE'S NOBODY/NOTHING I CANNOT DO WITHOUT (apart from God of course) if you think u can hold me to ransom cos u gat me locked down, ur mistaken

15. I detest nagging , people who nag tick me off big time.

16. I used to have a thing for very fair ladies...

17. I love managing people - based projects , look out for me in the near future - APEX, the foremost project manager in Africa.

18. I love writing, infact, capturing memorable events/happenings by chronicling them. I have all the relevant prophecies, divine instructions, action plans from 2004 till date. Phew.

19. I have a good voice, just that God has not permitted me to do music, years ago, i used to to do Hip Hop & Rap, but i had to give it up. (MC PINTU - PINTU)

20. I love adventure a lot....I hope to sky dive and also buy a power bike someday.

21. I'd love to have a getaway condomium somewhere in the Bahamas or Barbados.

22. If i could turn back the hands of time i wouldn't have studied Biochemistry, i won't have even been in the Science dept....

23. Deep down within me, i feel i might end up in ministry even though i love entrepreneurship and i long to be the CEO of a multinational someday

24. My dream ride is a custom - made BMW... BMW - APEX...(Inbox me if ur interested in the details of the model)

25. I know what i want out life and i always go for it.

26. It sounds odd, but i don't have best friends, i guess that's just me, (20 kids can't play for 20 years)

27. In addition to (26) above, when i meet people, i try to locate why they are in my life for that season and i simply fufill the purpose with them.

28. When i consider the magnitude of what God has called me to do, atimes in my closet, i sigh & cry. Then i pray, receive strength from Him...then step into the public to deliver.

29. Ladies with a chip on their shoulders (all in the name of appearing polished) tick me off.I simply appreciate ladies who are real......

30. I am a focused young man, my motto is "Live & let live, and in all things, put God first" !