Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A letter to my Grandma.

Dear Grandma,

It’s been close to ten years since you left

Didn’t know a day would come when I’ll wish you never left.

Considering that I didn’t cry when we were paying respects

Knowing I had your back & I was there for you in all aspects.

Well, this morning, I had a plate of spicy eggs before me

Then I remember ‘tis as a result of your recipe

Spicy eggs, deep fried chicken & turkey

Greens & all, just to eat healthy

Grandma, I still remember your prayers for my children and wifey

You promised to hold my kids and teach my queen  unique trad receipes

Well, it’s close to a decade since you said all those, I ain’t married ‘yet’

And ‘ma I wish you were here to hear me read this prose:

I desire to hold my son in my arms at night,

Crooning in his ears, petting him to sleep,

Right after his mum finishes nursing him

We taking turns at night to sing him to sleep

I wanna take my daughter and her lovely mum to the salon,

Just after I loose my lil’ angel’s braids &

 I retouch my diva wife’s hair

(I hope I won’t hurt her scalp cos I ain’t no hair pro’)

Granny, I wanna wake up at midnight and…

Sit for hours staring at my beautiful wife sleeping with

Our adorable baby cuddled up in her arms.

Then I look up with a face glistened with tears of gratitude…..

Thanking God whose Words are daily coming to pass in my life.

Granny, I wish you were here to join my faith with yours…..

The possibilities that abound with Venus are limitless.

All of a sudden, I’m willing to learn the fundamentals of friendship

Intuitively, I want to go to the A,B, Cs of …

Building something of eternal value…

All over again, I’m learning how to love,

How to be patient, how to be accountable , how to be obedient to instructions

Faithfully learning and practicing all these

Cos the ‘pattern’ is to build heaven on earth - Psalm128.

Granny are these odds against me?

Or are they catalysts to spur me on?

Well, I choose to hold on to His faithfulness.

After all, it’s only through faith & patience

Am I assured of obtaining the promise.

So long Grand Ma, wish you were here.