There are 3 individuals you need to deal with in you, yes you staring at the screen reading this post
1. The man others think you are.
2. The man you think you are.
3. The man you really are.
1. The man others think you are.
A lot of people think they can determine your future or destination, based on where you are coming from, truly to an extent "the further back you look, the the further foward, you may see"
However, theres nothing about the caterpillar that indicates that someday, it will be a butterfly
When Barack Obama's father was buying drinks for his friends while celebrating the birth of his little son , nothing in his wildest dreams would have indicated that the little boy yelling and "pissing" in his mother's face while his diapers were being changed, will someday sit in the Oval Office and be the a crusader of "Hope and the Possibility mentality" globally.
A lot of people want to look at where you are coming from to determine how far, you will go and the dimension of the legacy you will leave behind.
When a lie is repeatedly said , it tends to want to sound like the truth, don't let what folks think about you define your limits, As a matter of fact, your spirit is limitless...Ask the guy who was born in an animal's feeding manger, obtained a Phd in carpentry and went into consulting for just 3 years..........2000 years later, his legacy still lives on, do you know who i am talking about?
Prove them wrong!!! Folks cannot limit you without YOUR consent. They only think, they don't know who you are. To know who you are , ask your creator, He says you are "A Creative Masterpiece, you can achieve anything"
You, yes you reading, you are capable of acheiving ANYTHING, someone like you invented that keyboard you are typing on, the phone you just finished a call on was "thought up" like you, stop wasting time .............get off your b&** and do SOMETHING
The worst thing that can happen to you ... is live your life like a snake moving on a rock (it leaves no trace). MAKE YOUR LIFE COUNT. Give people a tangible reason to miss you........