Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Voice in The Desert ?

I cannot attempt to describe myself as
A Voice in the Desert,

No! John the Baptist alone qualifies to be described as such
But the Desert , yes a desert, a people, my people , 
my generation lacking the proper VALUES and VIRTUES.

Occassionally, we stumble upon an oasis of ingenuity, 
a spark of principled living in a people replete with moral degradation

Priorities aren't gotten right, Motives are saturated with selfishness
An attitude of indifference that is best described as 
"Every man for himself, God for all of us and ....... 
may the devil take the hind most hmnnnn [sighs...]

But i choose to stand amidst a bowing multitude,
I refuse to be blown by every gust of wind.
I may not have a voice (yet) like Martin Luther King or
the height of the audacity of hope to cause an instant change

But bit by bit, inch by inch, gradually we as a people will get there
The greatness of Nigeria and my generation will be revealed.

Despite the dryness of the desert, 
Irrespective of the gust of the winds,
Though my voice isn't loud enough,

I WILL still whisper through the desert wind
and remind all and sundry
that to arrive at El -Dorado and see the nation and world we desire.
We must put proper values  in place. 

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