Monday, April 8, 2013

GABBATHA – John 19:13

The pavement, stone place, the raised place, the elevated place, the knoll….
Depending on which language, Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, the interpretation varies.
However, one thing that remains is what happened at Gabbatha, it was location of the Roman tribunal,
The place where Pontius Pilate condemned our Lord Jesus to death.
The Jewish mob thought they had influenced Pilate to determine Jesus’ destiny
Pilate must have thought…This man’s life is in my hands, his blood on my head.

Little did they all know…….
That they were all pawns on the Most High’s chessboard…
…Actors & Actresses in Jehovah’s script.
…Elements in the master strategist’s unique plot.
The devil must have been gloating, the demons must have been rejoicing.
Little did they know……
..That even at their best, when hatching out their deeds of destruction,
They remain tools in the Hands of our Sovereign God

Similarly, we need to understand and be at peace with the fact that…
Whatever policies the kings of this world effect,
Whatever decisions they take, while seating on “their thrones”, arrogant on their Gabbatha
Thinking they hold in their hands the “fate” of many
We, the righteous children of God need know that….
..Like Pilate and the Jewish mob were tools in God’s hands to fulfill God’s purpose for Jesus.
These policies, decisions etc are coming in place “to fulfill God’s purpose for us”
After all, “all (good, bad & ugly) things work together for good, to them that love God, who are called according to His purpose”

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